
Afropessimism considered false

    The afro pess K is false.  Badly false.  It is incorrect, untrue, wrong, erroneous, fallacious, faulty, flawed, distorted, inaccurate, inexact, imprecise, invalid, unfounded, untruthful, and fictitious.  It reaches levels of nonsense that the politics DA can only aspire to.  And I hope to demonstrate why it is wrong.       So, what does afro pess say (very simply, as it's explained in debate).  It makes two basic claims.   1 The world can't improve for black people.   2 We should not be hopeful, because hope is bad.        Several things stand out about this.  One first point is that, even if true, it is insufficient to justify a negative ballot.  We can consider this most easily with an analogy.  Consider a policy that prohibited bombing an area of Pakistan that did not have black people.  This policy is plausibly a good thing, despite not benefitting black people...